Good Morning or Good Afternoon or Good Evening,
this post should take approximately three minutes to read from start to finish.
Everyone has different ways of explaining to others for their definition and understanding of the word, "hope" and how they have recognized of applying hope throughout their lives. Sometimes whenever we know that our immediate relatives, and some of our friends are going through difficulties on certain things in life, we always have hope that it would not happen to us.
Sometimes in life, it is hard to express to show our hope towards our immediate relatives, our extended relatives, our friends, and other people around us. Sometimes I hope for certain things to happen in my timing but I know that I have to lower my expectations and just allow things to happen at different times in my life.
Prior for me taking the written test of getting my learners permit for driving in Australia, I always hope to learn how to drive in automatic cars only. I felt determined that I would stick to it. I remembered when my mother has shared with me about several real life situations that can happen that requires to have a manual license, it has helped me to change my mind and encouraged myself to learn how to drive in manual cars.
I am grateful that I have learned how to drive in manual cars, because sometime after receiving my manual drivers' license, I had to drive home in my family's van from the chapel on a Sunday and the van is a manual. I can barely reach the petals but I was able to drive home safely. Years later, I had another opportunity to be asked by shift runners at the last Domino's store that I was employed at if I can drive a manual car.
I am grateful that I have learned how to drive in manual cars, because sometime after receiving my manual drivers' license, I had to drive home in my family's van from the chapel on a Sunday and the van is a manual. I can barely reach the petals but I was able to drive home safely. Years later, I had another opportunity to be asked by shift runners at the last Domino's store that I was employed at if I can drive a manual car.
I said "Yes, I can drive a manual car, my own car is a manual car." The shift runners was surprised and they have given me the company car keys for the company car that has manual transmission for me to drive during some shifts. I felt like I was the only female delivery driver who has manual drivers' license and who drives and owns a manual car.
As growing up, I always have hope that I would get married in Australia and continue living my life in Australia. I did not ever expected about changing my mind about that idea. I am grateful that I have met Jacob when I did, and being committed about the idea together for us being married in Texas US, and continue living my life over here.
I do hope that one day eventually, that Jacob, myself and our future family to live in Australia. I just know that it wouldn’t happen anytime soon. Whenever I take the time to reflect on my life, I always think about the things that I have achieved because of me having hope to accomplish those things no matter what.
"Meaning of Hope H - Helps you to understand and believe O - On days when all you want to quit P - Push you again to rise and achieve E - Ever more we are in need of it. - Arun Bahadur Gurung." |
Either now or in your own time, you are welcome to watch the video of the link below. I love the song that was playing throughout the video. The song is called, "It Might Be Hope" by Mercy River.
My favorite part of the lyrics was; "Hope has a way of turning it's face to you just when you least expect it." - Mercy River.
Stay Tuned until next time.
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