Friday, February 5, 2021

What Are Some of My Purposes in My Life?

 Good Morning, or Good Afternoon, or Good Evening,
this post should take approximately three minutes to read from start to finish.

Prior to meeting Jacob; I have thought about what were some of my purposes would be in my life during my teen years and during my early twenties. I knew that I have always wanted to fulfill some of my following purposes in life; I wanted to be married in the Temple to a temple worthy and returned missionary guy who has kept their high standards, I wanted to become a wife one day, I wanted to become a mother one day, I wanted to become a sister missionary one day (even if it’s me to become a sister missionary when I retire and all of my children has grown up and left home), continue to live my life faithfully, I want to continue living within the teachings that I have been taught during my teen years and throughout my life as being a church member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, continue being temple worthy of holding a current temple recommend, remembering and staying true to my covenants that I’ve made in the past (the covenants that I have made at baptism and when I receive my endowments), and so forth. 
"The purpose of life is a life of purpose."
- Robert Byrne.

I have always wanted to fulfill some of my hobbies in my life and those hobbies are the following; Photography (I have strong hope that I would be able to turn photography into a long-term career and running and becoming a business owner one day), continue being persistent with blogging (I know that there are still some readers who has been reading my blogs), continue vlogging (I know that there are still some viewers who has been enjoying and watching my vlogs), and so forth. 

I have always wanted to fulfill several of my skills in my life and those skills are the following; I wanted to do better with learning new cooking skills, I wanted to do better with playing the flute (so I would be able to learn more than just knowing how to play one song), I wanted to do better with playing the piano, and so forth. 

What would be some of your purposes in your life? 

Stay Tuned until next time.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Live Your Life with Purpose ~ Part Three

  Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening,
this post should take five minutes to eight minutes to read from start to finish.

This post focuses on a BYU Devotional in February 2013, and it is called "Live Your Life with Purpose" by Sister Janie Penfield. This post is part three. I would like to share with you some highlights while I was reading the Devotional. 

Sister Penfield has mentioned the following; 
"How can we allocate our time, talents, and resources to align with our purpose and stay on course? We can do it through goals. I have a lot of goals that aren’t the New Year’s type of goals. ... I have the goal of being worthy of eternal life with my Father in Heaven and with my family. 

I have the goal of making my earthly and my heavenly parents proud because I have heeded their counsel and made the gospel of Jesus Christ an integral part of my life. ... Your goals may be similar to mine. These are our individual course markings. They are the significant choices in our lives that allow us to recognize that we are in alignment with our Father in Heaven. 

He has given us the personal guidance and direction we need to accomplish our goals. The companionship of the Holy Ghost provides us with unlimited personal revelation, direction, comfort, strength, and guidance from God. Humility and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ are essential to being worthy of personal revelation and answers to our prayers.

All answers do not come when we ask for them. ... President Boyd K. Packer tells us that “[we] must learn to seek the power and direction that is available to [us], and then follow that course no matter what” (“How to Survive in Enemy Territory,” Ensign, October 2012, 29).

... We must choose to be wise and take the Holy Spirit for our guide. We can benefit from the direction of the Holy Ghost in everything we do. ... Prayer is our communication piece with our Heavenly Father, and the Holy Ghost is His communication piece with us. We must keep the line open by seeking out the Father in prayer and by living worthy of the Holy Ghost’s companionship. 

President Packer also taught: [We] can always have a direct line of communication with [our] Father in Heaven. Do not allow the adversary to convince you that no one is listening on the other end. Your prayers are always heard. You are never alone! [“How to Survive,” 29]
"Find a purpose in life so big it will challenge
every capacity to be at your best."
- David O Mckay.
Staying on Course
... If we are to reach our intended destination, we must pay attention to the big and the small course markings. ... If we are not committed to our course and purpose, we will move with the push and pull of the world, away from the path that leads us to return to our Father in Heaven. 

We must be committed, and we must do all that we can to stay the course. We must look to the prophets to learn how to read the course’s legend to ensure that we stay firmly planted on the strait and narrow path, holding onto the iron rod with both hands. 

... What distracted us is far less important than how we got off course. It happened so subtly that we didn’t notice until we were off the course not right next to it or parallel to it, but off. So it is with the strait and narrow path. 

At one point in our lives we have two feet firmly planted on it. With a change of roommates or friends, a new girl- or boyfriend, a new city, a new schedule, or even a new job, we can slowly start moving to the path’s edge until we realize that we are doing things we never imagined doing: we haven’t prayed for days or weeks, we pass on spiritual things, our scriptures are covered in layers of dust, or so many other things happen that indicate we haven’t been feeding our testimony the nourishment it needs.

Most of the time we cannot pinpoint what changed in our life, but we know our testimony isn’t as firm as it once was. Maybe we can’t even remember why we keep the commandments. But there are many things we can do to ensure that we stay on course on the strait and narrow path. ... We need to make sure we are constantly feeding ourselves spiritually from the scriptures. Do you immerse yourself in the scriptures?

Mother Teresa and Alma both reminded us of the power of small acts in our lives such as prayer, scripture study, and charity. Mother Teresa said, “Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies” (In the Heart of the World: Thoughts, Stories and Prayers [Novato, California: New World Library, 1997], 15). Alma taught:

By small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise. . . . And by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls. [Alma 37:6–7]

There are no small things, because combined, they are our strength and they will bring about our salvation! There are a few other seemingly “small” things that will have a great impact on our ability to stay true to our purpose. One of these seemingly small things is our friends. Who do we choose to associate with? Who do we choose to date? To marry? To seek advice from and counsel with? To play and study with? 

President Thomas S. Monson said, “Choose your friends with caution” (“Decisions Determine Destiny”). We must cautiously choose who we allow to have a great impact on our lives. We do many “small” things with our friends. ... We all have companions in our time on earth. They may be siblings, friends, spouses, missionary companions, and even strangers who observe us or briefly interact with us. 

Are you the true friend you should be to those you are with, and are they the friends they should be for you? Do your friends make it easier for you to live the gospel or not? Do they help you draw closer to the Spirit, even in small degrees? Do they leave you better than they found you, and you them?

... Maintaining our testimony and staying on course will require righteousness and regular repentance. It will require great faith. We must be spiritually strong. We must live worthy of the Holy Ghost’s companionship. ... We must delve into the scriptures to know what to do in times of trial, how to help others, and how to answer our questions. 

The answers are in them. ... By studying the scriptures we develop our faith and learn about the Savior, His teachings, the commandments, our Father, and the plan of salvation. Studying the scriptures will keep us on course.

President Thomas S. Monson has given us exceptional counsel for how to stay on course: Obey the laws of God. They are given to us by a loving Heavenly Father. When they are obeyed, our lives will be more fulfilling, less complicated. Our challenges and problems will be easier to bear. We will receive the Lord’s promised blessings. 

... Open your hearts, even your very souls, to the sound of that special voice which testifies of truth. [“Believe, Obey, and Endure,” Ensign, May 2012, 128, 129] We need to open our hearts to that special voice, as President Monson said. 

The Holy Ghost is the only companion of constancy. All of the others will leave us even if only temporarily to run errands, go to class, or go to work for the day. The Holy Ghost will be a constant presence in our lives if we will live worthily. We control the level of influence He has in our lives. 

Do we listen to or ignore Him? Do we act or relax? Do we provide an environment that will allow the Holy Ghost to remain with us? Do we remove the “worldly habits, customs, and traditions” from our lives (Robert D. Hales, “Being a More Christian Christian,” Ensign, November 2012, 90)?

... While the challenges of each day do not fade with each sunset, I know that if we can do as the prophets have counseled us, we will be able to continue moving forward on the strait and narrow path. I also know that this path will lead us to eternal life - a life worth every amount of effort required to get there. 

If we will firmly establish the purpose of our life and stay the course that leads us to it, we will live in the house the Lord has prepared for us “among the mansions of [our] Father” (Ether 12:32). Let Heavenly Father guide and direct you. Live your life with purpose. ..."

If you would like to read the whole Devotional either now or in your own time, here is the link below. 

Stay Tuned until next time. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Live Your Life with Purpose ~ Part Two

 Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening,
this post should take approximately five minutes to read from start to finish.

This post focuses on a BYU Devotional in February 2013, and it is called "Live Your Life with Purpose" by Sister Janie Penfield. This post is part two. I would like to share with you some highlights while I was reading the Devotional. 

Sister Penfield has mentioned the following; "Determine Your Course
Once we are fixed on our purpose, we must determine our course to fulfill that purpose. We have to make a plan for how we will reach our destination. ... We must continue to press forward despite adverse conditions. We must not be deterred by challenges big and small all the while taking in the beauty and wonders mortality affords us.

The map to navigate life on earth has been provided to us through the restoration of the gospel. The standard works, modern-day prophets, and inspired leaders help us navigate through the challenges of mortality. ... The latter-day prophets fill in the challenges and specific guidance for our day, helping us keep hold of the iron rod. 

We must determine our course to ensure that our daily choices have a chance of leading us to eternal life - we will not arrive there by chance. ... We need to be on the path when we reach the gate. Having the goal of eternal life, we know where we can look for direction to stay on the narrow way and to find the strait gate.

The scriptures and the teachings of the prophets have provided us with a course for our life on earth. ... We move each hand and each foot in front of the other, progressing as we make decisions to prioritize the work of the Lord, the keeping of our covenants, and our constant efforts to emulate the Savior. 

What is on the narrow way? Temple marriage, missionary service, paying a full tithe, keeping the Sabbath day holy, fulfilling callings, being charitable and the list goes on. Staying on the strait and narrow path requires us to make consistent “best” choices. 

... We learn from Elder L. Lionel Kendrick that the guidance we need is in the scriptures. 
He said: Those revelations received by prophets are given to us in the form of scripture or by the voice of the living prophets. Thus, the scriptures become a road map, a set of divine directions to assist us on our journey through mortality and our return trip home. [“Search the Scriptures,” Ensign, May 1993, 13]

Just as Lehi and his family looked to the Liahona for direction through the wilderness to the promised land, we should let the scriptures and the teachings of the prophets serve as our map as we make our way through the wilderness of mortality.
"Awakening is the purpose that enfolds all purposes"
- Stephen Batchelor.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said: 
We all search for happiness, and we all try to find our own “happily ever after.” The truth is, God knows how to get there! He has created a map for you; He knows the way. 

... The map is available to all. It gives explicit directions of what to do and where to go to everyone who is striving to come unto Christ. [“Your Happily Ever After,” Ensign, May 2010, 126–27]

All you have to do is trust your Heavenly Father trust Him enough to follow His plan, keep your covenants, and keep His commandments. 

President Uchtdorf continued: Nevertheless, not all will follow the map. They may look at it. They may think it is reasonable, perhaps even true. But they do not follow the divine directions. ... [“Your Happily Ever After,” 127]

As members of the Church, we know that not all roads or trails lead to the eternal life we seek. “Happily ever after” will only be ours if we choose to follow the Savior and be His disciples. We are constantly making decisions, and if your life is like mine, most of those decisions are made while in “survival mode.” 

This is decision making in the moment, instead of planning out a course and moving forward when the time is right. This is not the best way to make decisions, for when I live in survival mode, I too often fail to accomplish the things I prioritized in my mind ... It is also while I am in survival mode that I see opportunities pass me by - ... waning family relationships, a decrease in desire to do the things to stay close to the Spirit, ... 

(How did I let that happen?) Perhaps you are like me. Perhaps you, too, let the chaos of life, your studies, your calling, your job, or your fun crowd out the opportunities the Spirit has to speak to you. Perhaps your prayers have become hurried or your scripture study is more reading than study. 

Perhaps you have reshuffled your priorities and have put staying close to the Spirit off to the side simply as a result of not prioritizing it. President Uchtdorf said, “Discipleship is the pursuit of holiness and happiness. It is the path to our best and happiest self” (“Of Regrets,” 23). 

... We have to choose it by being forgiving, charitable, grateful, and anxiously engaged in serving others. We have to make discipleship our course. How do we know what we can do to be a disciple? How do we know what we can do to fulfill our purpose on earth and build the kingdom of God? We have to ask Him through prayer. 

The scriptures have taught us that the Lord will give us answers to our prayers: “Behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart” (D&C 8:2). We will hear by the whisperings of the Spirit what we can do to be more like Christ. 

We will be quietly drawn to opportunities that will allow us to serve on His behalf. We will find ourselves using our talents to build the kingdom of God if we follow the guidance in our heart." 

In the last general conference Elder Craig C. Christensen taught: Through the gift of the Holy Ghost, we receive added capacity and spiritual gifts, increased revelation and protection, steady guidance and direction, and the promised blessings of sanctification and exaltation in the celestial kingdom. 

All of these blessings are given as a result of our personal desire to receive them and come as we align our lives with the will of God and seek His constant direction. [“An Unspeakable Gift from God,” Ensign, November 2012, 14] ... We know how to get the direction of the Spirit. Now we have to do it.' 

Stay Tuned until next time.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Happy Birthday 16th Sam

 Good Morning, or Good Afternoon, or Good Evening, 
this post should take approximately two minutes to read. 

Jacob and I would like to wish my brother Samuel/Sam to a Happy Birthday, and we hope that he will have a great day. Time surely has flew by, and I can not believe that Sam is turning sixteen years old today, and today marks two years in a row of missing his Birthday. 
I can not believe that Sam was taller than me by the time when he was either twelve years old or thirteen years old, and I felt so short by standing next to him. By now, Sam would be taller than Jacob for almost or over a year. I must say Sam is quite tall for his age. 

Anyways, I still remember holding Sam when he was a baby, I remembered having portraits taken together of my siblings and myself together when Sam was a baby. Where did the time go? It is hard to believe that Sam would be graduating High School next year, and he would be eighteen years old in two years from now. 

Stay Tuned until next time. 

Monday, February 1, 2021

Live Your Life with Purpose ~ Part One

 Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening,
this post should take three to five minutes to read from start to finish.

How can you live your life with a purpose? This post focuses on a BYU Devotional in February 2013, and it is called "Live Your Life with Purpose" by Sister Janie Penfield. This post is part one. I would like to share with you some highlights while I was reading the Devotional. 

Sister Penfield has mentioned the following; "... Through my many adventures I have learned that each one must be planned with clear purposes or objectives to summit a peak, to complete a course, or to enjoy the views. I have found that planning with purpose is the best way to ensure that each adventure is successful.

For example, I love to Nordic ski. As with all skiing, there is a trail map that allows you to chart a successful course through the woods and terrain. ... Each ski trek begins with the question Where to? followed by Which route? 

Each trail takes us to a different spot with different options for adventure and scenery a steep climb, a flat meadow, or an incredible view. Before we begin to ski we must determine the purpose of our trek so we know which trails to take. Then we must ski on course or we will not reach our destination.

"Great minds have purposes, 
others have wishes."
- Washington Irving.
Determine Your Purpose
We are here on earth in a type of adventure. We left our Heavenly Father to obtain bodies, to be tested, to make covenants, to gain knowledge and experience, and to hopefully return to live with Him. 

But we do not always remember these purposes. Many who do not have the gospel have forgotten these purposes because of the veil. We often get weighed down by the daily monotony of school, church, family, and work and forget about our aspirations - aspirations that our Heavenly Father wants us to have. ...

Elder Dallin H. Oaks taught: As we consider various choices, we should remember that it is not enough that something is good. Other choices are better, and still others are best. Even though a particular choice is more costly, its far greater value may make it the best choice of all. [“Good, Better, Best,” Ensign, November 2007, 104–5]

... There are many good things that we can do, but we must stay true to our purpose and live the life of a disciple. We can get married or, better/best, we can get married in the temple. ... Individually we may become discouraged because of the distance between us and the mortal life we’ve aspired to. 

We may not be married, have children, or have the degree or success that we thought would give us the life we’d planned. Fame, fortune, fashion, and fun will play a part in our eventual destination. ... Our collection of choices will determine our final destination.

President Thomas S. Monson said: Eternal life in the kingdom of our Father is [our] goal. Such a goal is not achieved in one glorious attempt but rather is the result of a lifetime of righteousness, an accumulation of wise choices, even a constancy of purpose. [“Decisions Determine Destiny,” BYU devotional address, 6 November 2005]

So what can we do to ensure that we build a lifetime of righteousness and accumulate wise choices? We can live our life with purpose - the purpose to gain eternal life and be counted as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Keeping our destination or the purpose of our life in mind influences our decisions. ... Knowing that we will not go toward so many other destinations provides us with significant direction. 

We can make our judgments and decisions based on the decided purpose of our life. ... Committing to achieve the greatest possible outcome from mortality frees us from much of the push and pull of the world. ... Becoming a disciple also includes being baptized, making and keeping temple covenants, and building the kingdom of God.

It can sometimes be difficult to remember our predetermined course. The scriptures and the prophets counsel us to remember the things of the Spirit - our Savior and the Atonement, our covenants, and the commandments. Remembering helps us keep proper perspective and focus on our purpose. We must choose to remember. We must remember what we want and why we want it. 

... If we live worthy of the Holy Ghost we will remember our purpose. The Savior taught, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance” (John 14:26)." 

Stay Tuned until next time.