Friday, February 19, 2021

Choosing to Eat Wisely

Good Morning or Good Afternoon or Good Evening, 
this post should take approximately four minutes to read from start to finish.

“What does it mean to you for eating wisely? What does it mean to a immediate relative for eating wisely? 
What does it mean to a friend for eating wisely? 

I am sure that all of us LOVES eating food, well who doesn’t love eating food? Food is so good but food can also be so harmful. Most people experience limitations of what they can actually eat without getting them sick because they have either food allergies or dietary needs or both of food allergies and dietary needs, or they’re expecting. 

For an example; I know that I have noticed a lot that I had several major symptoms of celiac disease as growing up. I did not say anything to my parents because I thought it was just a part of growing up and thought it was normal. 

I felt those celiac disease symptoms after eating my lunches at school when I went to school, and I always needing to go to go public toilets after eating fast foods. I have experienced bloating, very tired, headaches, abdominal pains, I did not grow tall in the height that I wanted to reach - I hate being short on some days, I did not gain much weight - I was weighing underweight when I was living in Australia, and so forth. 

By the time when I moved to a friend’s house, she cooked some dinner meals that was gluten free. She loves making dinner for me, herself and her Mom. I remembered on Sunday afternoons, she would always make my lunches and dinner. 

Sometimes she would make my dinners while I was employed and busy with working, so I always came home with dinner that was already made for me. Whenever I have consumed the meals that my friend has made for me, my body didn’t felt like it was going to experience celiac disease. 

It helped me to make a decision to become partial celiac disease after moving away from her house. It helped me to get some ideas of what to make for lunch and dinner. I remembered whenever I came and visit my family for dinner, my body was feeling celiac symptoms again. 

It felt so bad. Eventually; I have moved away from Australia to United States, I have made the decision to become fully gluten free to ease my symptoms at all times as possible. I do not feel any symptoms of celiac disease symptoms at all, I do feel celiac disease symptoms whenever I consume any foods that are gluten over here.

I definitely do not see myself back to reality of having gluten foods again because I know my body would get celiac disease symptoms all over again. I don’t want to face that. I am glad that I have listened to my body eventually when I did because I feel so much healthier and better. 

Sometimes some people just make a decision one day to become vegetarian, it takes some commitment to get used to being vegetarian for days that turns into months that turns into years, and haven’t ever changed back to the life that they used to have before becoming a vegetarian. They still find some great ways of getting protein intake.

Sometimes we just make a decision that we should listen to our bodies more for what it needs. Sometimes we have some cravings because maybe our bodies is trying to tell us that we’re lacking of certain foods or vitamins to consume into our daily calories. 

We shouldn’t be needing to force anyone into our diets. Just because a diet works for you, doesn’t always work as effectively or well enough for someone else. You do what is best for YOU. 

Stay Tuned until next time.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Choosing Employment Wisely

  Good Morning or Good Afternoon or Good Evening, 
this post should take approximately five minutes to read from start to finish. 

Some jobs has area managers, regional managers, store managers, other managers, and employees. They all have expectations to meet to work as a team, and some jobs requires to be able to work independently. Whenever we have decided that we would want to get employment, we would look into any required prior similar job experiences, prior education, having a current drivers license, skills that we may have, and so forth. 

We also would look into if the job has a casual position or part time position or a full time position. Sometimes it doesn’t say what’s the position it is, just tells you of how many hours a week does the job requires. We also look into if our availability meets with the required some jobs are required days. 

Sometimes employers wants to have potential employees to be available to work during busy seasonal periods (such as Christmas Holidays), or/and on the weekends (including Sundays not only just Saturdays). Some jobs faces good customers and bad customers. 

I remembered when I was hired as a Delivery Expert/Delivery Driver at all Domino's stores that I was employed at, I needed to fulfill the following requirements. I needed to have a current driver's license in the same state as where the job was at. I would need to have a great understanding for what was my responsibilities are in the store and on the road, and the following is my responsibilities that I had to fulfill during all of my shifts. 

Assisting with customer service in store, Assisting with food preparation, and General cleaning duties while I was in store in between delivery to the next delivery. Delivering pizzas and other products to customers, Providing quality customer service at the door, Dealing with customer concerns, and Driving safely at all times for on the road. 

My dream job is to become a Professional Photographer and work full-time of running my own photography business in the future.  I always wanted to do photography. I remembered using my family’s camera to selfies and photos of other things. Eventually my parents decided to get me a first digital camera for Christmas. 

I already have taken some big steps in the past to help me to get started. I studied a Digital Photography degree and I graduated from the course when I was nineteen years old. 

I have current equipment for Photography. I had two years worth of photography experience by using Canon 600D for my first DSLR camera, then I upgraded to Canon 7D which has given me three years experience worth of photography experience for my second DSLR, and then I finally upgraded Canon 5D Mark IV for my third DSLR. I currently have my Canon 7D as a backup camera and I mostly use my Canon 5D Mark IV. 

I currently have been using two editing programs softwares on my laptop. I edit all photos on Lightroom and sometimes I use Photoshop for touch ups. I have a current several platforms for public access to see some of 
the photos that I have taken in the past. 

My website is My Instagram account is @meggyg_photography
My Facebook is Meggy G Photography -

"There is no substitute for hard work." - Thomas Edison.
For becoming a photographer; 
- You would need to have some knowledge about Photography. Some photographers chooses to pay and study a course to be qualified as a Photographer (those courses can be Certificate IV of Digital Photography and Photo Imaging, Diploma of Digital Photography and Photo Imagining, Bachelor of Arts, and so forth) and some photographers chooses to study by themselves and watch some photography tutorials on Youtube. 

- You would need a reliable DSLR camera of your choice (Canon, Nikon, Sony, etc) with portrait lenses, and appropriate lenses (zoom lenses, low light settings, and so forth). I know it is expensive to purchase a brand new DSLR camera but you can always get second hand DSLR camera as long as it has reasonable remaining of the shutter life. 

- You would need a reliable laptop or a reliable desktop computer that you would be able to download the photography editing programs. Those programs are Lightroom and Photoshop from Adobe. It must be downloaded from Adobe website. Along with a laptop or desktop, I would recommend to purchase a 3TB or higher portable hard drive - storing all edited and unedited photos adds up and it would be big files, and you would not want to have a 16GB USB/Flash Drive when you do photography.  

- I would suggest that you would need to have a current driver's license and a car if you do have to plan to drive where for the location of where the sessions are. Even if you flew from one state to another state of your country for the session, I would suggest to have a car rental - it would be so much easier than relying on public transportation (sometimes public transportation may experience delays of getting to the locations). 

-  I would suggest for you to have a current passport if you have plan to fly to where for the location of where the sessions are. You would also need to plan to have travel insurance. 

- I would suggest to have a bank account, it is good to keep separate from your personal savings to from what you would earn from photography. I would suggest to set aside for emergency funds for any back up. 

- Have a understanding and act upon with how to legalize your photography business in your state and your country. It is always different wherever you go, but you do not want to get in trouble for not knowing how to do it. You do not want anyone to steal your business' name, you would want to earn any taxes after submitting taxes that you held from most sessions. 

Stay Tuned until next time.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Choosing Wisely with Friends

Good Morning or Good Afternoon or Good Evening, 
this post should take approximately three minutes to read from start to finish. 

Throughout our lives; I know that sometimes we may feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable when we meet and make new friends. We may feel so excited when we meet and make new friends. Sometimes we do not remind ourselves about what would be some of the risks that can happen when it comes with for being someone's friend. 

"No matter where you live in the world; choose your friends wisely, and don't choose friends who are likely to judge your circumstances." I strongly know that our friends should have no time to judge and criticize our circumstances no matter what we are currently going through, and we were going through in the past. 

We should be the same way. We should not have no time to judge and criticize our friends' circumstances no matter what they are currently going through, and what they were going through in the past. It is okay to be worried about friends' choices, but we should not allow their choices to impact our choices in our lives. 

"CHOOSE your friends WISELY."
Loving Instead of Judging; 
I know that I feel judged by some former friends in the past. I know those friends just assume a lot even when they do not have all information. 

We should not make any assumptions before knowing all the information. For an example; I know that I was not expecting to be diagnosed of having left side ovarian cyst to be size of 2.5cm within the first six months into my marriage. I have felt the judgement by others because they assumed for multiple reasons why I have been gaining some weight so quickly for the first six months into my marriage. 

They have assumed that I have gained some weight so quickly because 
1. I seemed to be feeling a lot happier ever since I gotten married to Jacob, therefore the causes would be because I AM MARRIED, 2. The foods and the drinks has more ingredients, and the foods over here is very unhealthy no matter what I eat, and 3. I looked like if I was more than three months pregnant, and asked me bunch of times if I was pregnant. 

We should not judge other people by their appearances or looks. For an example; I know that I got judged by others of the way that I look. I know that I do look differently, and I also know that I do walk differently than most people. I have bilateral hip dysplasia in other words, I have both hips that are out of socket. 

Some people do laugh at me, some people just do not ask what medical condition that I have for me to caused walking differently, and some people has assumed that I have scoliosis in the past. Both bilateral dysplasia and scoliosis are two different medical conditions. 

We should be communicating with kind and uplifting words.
For an example; it is always a good idea to communicate with kind and uplifting words. We all should know by now that if we do not say anything nice to say, then do not say it at all. We should not be hurting others' feelings by saying mean words.

I would like to share a portion of the "Friends" section from For The Strength of Youth pamphlet, and it states the following; "Everyone needs good and true friends. They will be a great strength and blessing to you. They will influence how you think and act, and even help determine the person you will become.

... Choose friends who share your values so you can strengthen and encourage each other in living high standards.
To have good friends, be a good friend. Show genuine interest in others; smile and let them know you care about them. Treat everyone with kindness and respect, and refrain from judging and criticizing those around you. 

Do not participate in any form of bullying. ... If your friends urge you to do things that are wrong, be the one to stand for the right, even if you stand alone. You may need to find other friends who will support you in keeping the commandments. ..." - Here is the link if you would like to read the whole section of "Friends" from For The Strength of Youth pamphlet online either now or in your own time. 

Stay Tuned until next time.