Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Fatherhood, an Eternal Calling ~ Part Two

 Good Morning or Good Afternoon or Good Evening, 
this post should take approximately three minutes to read from start to finish.

This post focuses on a April 2004 General Conference talk, and it is called "Fatherhood, an Eternal Calling' by Elder L. Tom Perry. This post is part two. I would like to share with you some highlights while I was reading the talk. I hope that you would be able to learn something new.

Elder Perry mentioned the following;
2. The father is a teacher.

President Joseph F. Smith’s counsel applies today: ... “When you recognize the importance of teaching your children, you become humble, because at once you realize that this is accomplished by precept and example. You cannot be one thing and effectively teach another. 

You must live and study and pray for the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. You must purify and organize your life so that your example and leadership reflect the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. “You must plan your day as guided by the Spirit of the Lord 

... As we have been taught by living prophets, ‘No other success in life can compensate for failure in the home’ (David O. McKay, in Conference Report, Apr. 1964, 5; quoted from J. E. McCulloch, Home: The Savior of Civilization [1924], 42).”13

3. The father is the temporal provider.

President Ezra Taft Benson expressed it clearly: 
"A family needs a FATHER to anchor it."
- L. Tom Perry.

“The Lord has charged men with the responsibility to provide for their families in such a way that the wife is allowed to fulfill her role as mother in the home. 

… Sometimes the mother works outside of the home at the encouragement, or even insistence, of her husband … [for the] convenience[s] that the extra income can buy. 

Not only will the family suffer in such instances, brethren, but your own spiritual growth and progression will be hampered.” Fathers, by divine decree, you are to preside over your family units. 

This is a sobering responsibility and the most important one you will ever assume, for it is an eternal responsibility. You place the family in its proper priority. It’s the part of your life that will endure beyond the grave. ... “… There is no higher authority in matters relating to the family organization, and especially when that organization is presided over by one holding the higher priesthood, than that of the father. 

… The patriarchal order is of divine origin and will continue throughout time and eternity. There is then a particular reason why men, women, and children should understand this order and this authority in the households of the people of God, and seek to make it what God intended it to be, a qualification and preparation for the highest exaltation of His children. 

In the home the presiding authority is always vested in the father, and in all home affairs and family matters there is no other authority paramount.” ... May we heed the voice of the prophets, who, from the beginning of time, have warned us about the importance of fathers in the home. 

May we determine more fully to fulfill our duties and responsibilities that the Lord has given to us as fathers in Zion ..."

If you would like to read the whole talk either now or in your own time, here is the link below.

Stay Tuned until next time.

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