Friday, January 29, 2021

Seek Learning ~ I Miss You

Good Morning, or Good Afternoon, or Good Evening, 
this post should take approximately three minutes to read from start to finish. 

I know that in the past eighteen months, I have not expressed too much towards my immediate family members, my extended relatives, my former managers and former employees that I used to work with from past employment, and my friends that I have missed them. I know that I definitely do miss my immediate family members, my extended relatives, my former managers from past employment, and my friends so much. 

I have always appreciated all of the memories for spending some time with my immediate family members in the past, and I have always appreciated all of the memories for spending some time with my extended relatives in the past. 

I have always appreciated all of the memories for working along with my former managers and former employees that I used to work with from past employment, and I have always appreciated all of the memories for spending some time with my friends in the past. I have always appreciated appreciated of various times in my life of meeting those people throughout my life. 

"Miss you"
I missed my immediate family members because I missed going out with my family for dinners, spend some time together that was not involved of staying at home all day, and so forth. I missed my extended relatives because I miss seeing them and spending some time with them whenever I can whilst living in Australia. 

I missed my former managers and and employees that I used to work with from past employment because it was always fun to always catch up with them during my shifts while working and sometimes it actually made time to go fast even when I was not thinking too much of what time it was. 

I missed going to Young Single Adults events such as devotionals, dances, activities, and so forth because it was great excuse for me to go to and catch up with some of my friends that I have not seen in awhile while I was in YSA. If you are a relative or a friend of mine, please know that I do miss you. 

Stay Tuned until next time.

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