Wednesday, October 14, 2020

How Can I Understand? ~ Part One

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening,
this post should take approximately three minutes to read from start to finish.

This post focuses on a April 2019 General Conference talk, and it is called "How Can I Understand?" by Elder Ulisses Soares. This post is part one. I would like to share with you some highlights whilst I was reading the talk.

Elder Soares has mentioned the following; 
"... Our purpose as we seek to learn and to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ must be to increase faith in God and in His divine plan of happiness and in Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice and to achieve lasting conversion. Such increased faith and conversion will help us make and keep covenants with God, ... This transformation will bring us a more happy, productive, and healthy life and help us to maintain an eternal perspective. 

Isn’t this exactly what happened to the Ethiopian eunuch after he learned about the Savior and was converted to His gospel? The scripture says that “he went on his way rejoicing.” The commandment to learn the gospel and teach it to one another is not new; it has been constantly repeated from the beginning of human history.
"Sometimes the only person that 
understands you is yourself."

... God’s prophets have consistently instructed that we need to raise our families “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” and “in light and truth.” 

... Brothers and sisters, the warning of our beloved prophet is a further reminder of our individual responsibility to seek to learn and to teach our families that there is a Father in Heaven who loves us and who has developed a divine plan of happiness for His children; that Jesus Christ, His Son, is the Redeemer of the world; and that salvation comes from faith in His name. 

Our lives need to be rooted upon the rock of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, which might help us individually and as families to have our own spiritual impressions engraved in our hearts, helping us to endure in our faith ... 

Likewise, when we accept the Savior’s invitation to “come and see,” we need to abide in Him, immersing ourselves in the scriptures, rejoicing in them, learning His doctrine, and striving to live the way He lived. Only then will we come to know Him, Jesus Christ, and recognize His voice, knowing that as we come unto Him and believe in Him, we shall never hunger nor thirst. We will be able to discern the truth at all times, as occurred to those two disciples who abode with Jesus that day."
Stay Tuned until next time. 

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