Friday, September 4, 2020

Happy Early Father's Day

Good Morning, or Good Afternoon, or Good Evening, 
this post should take approximately three minutes to read from start to finish.

I would like you to think about your father or a father figure in your life and then encourage yourself to ask, and answer the following questions either now or in your own time. 

~ Was there any great and helpful lessons that you have learned from your Dad? ~ Have you been able to apply any of those great and helpful lessons into your life? ~ In what ways have you acknowledged that your Dad has supported you in your life? ~ In what ways have you acknowledged that your Dad has been proud for your major achievements and efforts even the little achievements and efforts in your life?

~ In what ways have you acknowledged that your Dad has experienced proud moments in your life? ~ In what ways have you acknowledged that your Dad has loved you in your life? ~ In what ways have you acknowledged that your Dad has cared about you in your life? ~ Did you know that Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Papua New Guinea always have celebrated Father's Day in September? Those countries celebrates Father's Day on the first Sunday in September every year. Most countries celebrates Father's Day in June every year. 

 We may not fully understand about the greatest things that of what our fathers has done for us. I would love to say "Happy early Father's Day" to my Dad, my father in law, my husband (he would be a father to my and his children one day), all those fathers, grandpas, step fathers, future fathers, future grandpas and future step fathers. 
"Fathers, yours is an eternal calling from which
you are never released. - Ezra Taft Benson."
I have appreciated the patience that my Dad has faced while he was supervising me when I was learning how to drive in Australia, I have appreciated the great lessons that I have learned from my Dad, I have appreciated all of the letters that my Dad has written to me, I have appreciated the support that I got from my Dad, I have appreciated all of the incoming calls from my Dad, I am grateful that my Dad was able to spend some time with my husband when my husband was on his vacation in Australia, I have appreciated have appreciated all of the great memories that I was able to have with my Dad prior to me leaving Brisbane, Australia and I sure am grateful and appreciate everything else that my Dad has done for me.

If you have currently a father; keep up the great work. Please keep doing your best to show your support to your child/children in any way that you can, please keep loving your child/children, please keep doing your best to understand whatever your child/children when he or she or they are talking to you, please keep doing your best to understand your child/children's needs, please keep doing your best to understand your child/children's wants and so forth. 

If you are currently a future father; do your very best to prepare well to become a great, supportive, loving, and caring father to your future child/children. Indeed there would be times to face miscommunications, difficulties, misunderstandings, hardships, and so forth; just remember to stay strong during difficult times, you will be able to get through those times and be the best person that you can be.

Stay Tuned until next time.

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