Monday, March 16, 2020

What Are Some Blessings Comes From Marrying a Temple Worthy Spouse?

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, or Good Evening, 
this post should take approximately three to five minutes to read from start to finish. 

I hope each individual of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints will have an opportunity to be sealed to a temple worthy individual inside a LDS Temple one day. If you don't get the opportunity to be sealed in this life, there is sure be opportunities to happen in next life. 

Have you ever considered about thinking any of the blessings that comes from marrying a temple worthy spouse? What inspires an individual to marry his or her temple worthy soon to be husband or wife? Why does it matter to the couple?

As I was growing up during my late youth years and throughout my YSA {Young Single Adults} years; I always made a goal to be sealed inside a LDS Temple for time and for all eternity one day. I kept in mind that I always wanted to make sure that I would always do my best to remain temple worthy, having a current temple recommend, and date temple worthy guys who has high standards. 
"The Temple Sealing has no greater meaning as life unfolds. It will help you
draw ever closer together and find greater joy and fulfillment." - Richard G. Scott.
Five months approaching to six months ago; I had the opportunity to be sealed with my husband in Dallas LDS Temple for time and all eternity. There are has been many wonderful blessings that I have acknowledged throughout the past months of marriage thus far. 

I would like to share with you some blessings that comes from marrying a temple worthy spouse, as known as my husband and those blessings aren't in order. 

My husband has been able to be a Provider for me and him in the home which means he is currently employed to make sufficient income to be able to pay for all necessary bills, paying rent, paying groceries, and so forth. I know there has been times whenever his work consist of extremely long days, and he somehow has the strength to remain awake until sometime after he gets home. 

My husband has the Melchizedek Priesthood. There are multiple blessings that comes with marrying someone who has the Melchizedek Priesthood. There has been times throughout early into my marriage, my husband has been able to ask me if I would like a priesthood blessing. I often said "Yes." because it was during those times when I needed a blessing at most.

After three months of marriage, my husband and I take turns with asking for a blessing. My husband and I often have been able to feel promptings of the Holy Ghost whenever my husband is giving me a blessing and we both ended up in tears of joy towards the end of the blessings. 

My husband is a Returned Missionary. He served a full-time two years mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Most times after our couple scripture study in the evenings, I often have questions about certain scripture passages and verses. My husband often loves answering the questions that I have and he helps me to understand why the answers that he gives me is true and correct. I know that for him serving a mission has helped him to provide those answers for me. 

Sometimes, my husband shares with me some of his memorable experiences during his mission and often times, it makes him to have gratitude for serving a full-time mission.

My husband has a current Temple Recommend. Often people would see having a spouse who has a current Temple Recommend is one of the greatest blessings. I must say, I always seemed to have greater spiritual experiences at the Temple whenever my husband and I go to the Temple together.

I always enjoy whenever my husband and I have the opportunities to participate sealing sessions together. We often hold each other's hands tightly, I often reflect on our own sealing, and some of the sealing sessions that we were able to participated prior our own sealing. I don't know if my husband reflects on anything, but I do know that he feels the spirit throughout the session.

Stay Tuned until next time.

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