Monday, February 17, 2020

Why Does Housing Arrangements Have Expectations?

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, or Good Evening,
this post should take approximately five to eight minutes to read from start to finish.

Throughout this post when I mention about housemates, I do refer to roommates.

In the past, I remembered several occasions when I was living away from my family's home, I was living with individuals who always have expectations. Most expectations that they had, was always different compared to my own expectations. They would have a few expectations that seemed to be stricter than it needs to be.

One of the most difficult housing situations that I was in, I was living with three other housemates. Three individuals who was younger than me, they didn't have the same belief as me, they constantly love having a great time, and they would get drank on some occasions. One of the individuals constantly smoked a lot. Each of us had different work schedules, and each of us had different things to do on our days off from work. I was working the furthest away, I was working over twenty-five hours a week, I was studying Pathways of BYU-Idaho online, I was doing my best to keep myself busy whenever I wasn't working, my husband and I was getting to know each other and just friends at the time.

I remembered two individuals always enjoyed doing grocery shopping, they always expected me to pay them so that they can do my grocery shopping while I was at work. I mostly came home from work, and checked what they have purchased during the grocery shopping. I remembered feeling disappointed that they didn't get everything not even half of the grocery list that I have written down. It just felt like they didn't care and think that I don't eat much at the time. It honestly didn't help when I was constantly away and rarely come home to be able to eat something.
"Wake up with determination, go to bed with satisfaction."
Another most difficult housing situation that I was in, I was living with two other housemates. One housemate was a convert to the Church, and the other housemate has been starting to go back to church after being inactive or less active for awhile. They both were older than me. I remembered going to Costco for one time and I did a massive shop for the housemates and myself. Turns out that the individuals doesn't appreciate the grocery shop that I have done at Costco, and it has made me feel upset.

One individual wanted to go to the same endowment session when I went through. I wasn't a close friend with her, I just wanted only close family and friends to be there for me. She may have felt upset about after telling her that I would like her not go to the same session.

I constantly expected from the individuals to respect to allow me to sleep in from working the nights that I had work the previous nights. I remembered I was always feeling tired and upset whenever my sleep got disturbed. One time, I worked on my night off from work. I started working roughly 9pm ish, and I didn't finish work until 4am ish the next morning. I arrived back home at roughly 5am ish, I did the laundry so I have fresh clean work uniform, and I relaxed.

I eventually went to sleep by 6:30am ish or 7am ish. One individual had turned on the TV and it was loud. It disturbed my sleep. I was such a light sleeper at the time. I got upset and angry when I woke up. I did apologised to the individual and explained that I have worked until early houses of that morning and she didn't seemed to care.

I learned housing arrangements have expectations because the house always needs to be cleaned, dust free, having individuals to feel comfortable to sleep in their own bed.

Sometimes whenever living with other individuals does make challenging at times to adjust into reality. One individual may not able to have a driver's licence and may rely on someone constantly for transportation, one individual may not choose to show that he or she cares about the surroundings around them including who he or she is living with. Sometimes reaching other people's expectations can be easy to follow through, difficult to understand why there are expectations exist, etc.

Always do your best that you can play your part in the home whether it is to wash your own dishes or maintaining the yard, or cleaning the bathroom, whatever it is, remember that you're living a home that you do use the bathroom, you do use dishes, etc.

Stay Tuned until next time.

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