Thursday, February 27, 2020

Do you pray for courage?

Good morning, or Good afternoon, or Good afternoon;
this post would take approximately three minutes to read from start to finish. 

What is your definition and understanding for the word "courage"? 

I know at times throughout our lives, we would pray for courage. I am sure that there are many situations of our lives and other people's lives to experience opportunities when it is the right timing for us and them to pray for courage.

We can pray for courage at times when we feel we need to have courage to help us to become better individuals than we were yesterday. We can pray for courage at times when we feel we need to have courage for us to share exciting news with a relative or a close friend, we can pray for courage at times what we can do to get out of our comfort zones - that even includes making new friendships, we can pray for courage when we feel we need to have courage for us to overcome our fears, we can pray for courage at times when we feel we need to speak up and ask for some help, and so forth.
"A Prayer for COURAGE"
I know at times, it can be difficult to overcome of the feeling discouraged, not feeling motivated to complete the list of tasks that we hoped to fulfill and accomplish at the end of the day, and feeling low self-esteem. Remember, it is okay to have those kind of moments throughout our lives. It can take quite some time to overcome the feeling discouraged. I know it can be no fun at times.

You can always do your very best to fulfill and accomplish as much as you are to do. Don't force yourself into doing something that you don't feel up to doing it. I am sure you were able to found opportunities when it was best timing to pray for courage.

Do you remember the last time when you have prayed for courage? Was it today or yesterday? Was it a month or a year ago? Was it a few years ago or was it too long ago that you can't remember when?

Do you keep track of how often do you pray for courage? Is it often, regularly or rarely?

It is completely okay if you don't keep track of how often you pray for courage. I know that I'm not very good at keeping track of how often do I pray for courage. I encourage you to pray courage whenever you can. It can bring blessings into your life when you do. For praying courage for your morning prayer, might be able help you to have a better day. Keep being positive whenever you can.

Stay Tuned until next time.

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