Monday, January 27, 2020

Seek Learning Towards Your Career

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, or Good Evening, 
this post should take approximately three to five minutes to read from start to finish.

I would like to inform you that this post is about career and back-up career. If you currently have a career now or at least in your mind, you can continue reading. If you currently don't have a career now or at least in your mind, you may decide to continue reading this post.

The word "career" may be a massive topic to talk about for some people and whereas other people may think the word "career" doesn't even make sense to them. There are so many career choices around the world. You can be a store manager, a flight attendant, a electrician, a business owner, a zoo keeper, a manager at a fast food restaurant, a school teacher, a receptionist, a photographer, etc. You may have got the idea, there is so many options out there. You can be whatever you want to be and the choice is yours to do for a career. It is absolutely okay to keep changing careers after a career that you have tried didn't work out well for you.

Most careers requires education, experience and responsibility. Mistakes do happen and some considerations may have to be considered wisely. Courses for careers can be expensive, be aware of costs and hidden costs behind each course before studying.
"Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy."
Are you seeking learning towards your career today? Would you be seeking learning towards your career tomorrow if not today?

Have you ever worked out what is the best options that you can do to make your career successful in short-term? Have you ever worked out what is the best options that you can do to make your career successful in long-term? Do you think that you already have whatever it takes to be successful?

Have you considered about taking short-term courses that has either extra or the same amount of learning that would be useful for your career? Why not asking any friends and family for some help of advice or suggestions to help you choose a career if you haven't worked it out yet.

If you haven't been successful in your career, don't ever give up. Keep trying, believe in yourself that you can do it, and always remember to advise yourself out there.

I know for myself, I haven't studied for awhile and last year, I decided to do a self-reliance course. The course is called, "Starting and Growing My Business." The course is FREE, it has temporal perspective and it also has spiritual perspective for each chapter of the book. The course has helped me to acknowledge ways of how to maintain a profitable business one day, separating personal funds and business funds, be persistent of keeping customers, etc.

Stay Tuned until next time.

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